

A few weeks ago we released a great opportunity: Rafael Calvo. Now we have found another property with the same characteristics and even greater revaluation potential:

Zurbano  is a commercial property located right next to Rafael Calvo, in an excellent area but with one difference, it hosts a very successful variety retail store. These kind of stores are very popular in Madrid and this is the only one in the area. 

The tenant has the intention to continue living at the property for a long time and would have to give us a 6 months notice prior to leaving the property. The demand in the area far exceeds the supply so there is sure to be a quick replacement in case they decide to end the contract. 

The 395m2 property is located at Rafael Calvo street, number 30, an exclusive area of Madrid, close to Paseo de la Castellana, one of the busiest streets in Madrid. The neighbourhood is also known for hosting the best luxury hotels in Madrid, museums, offices, and many touristic attractions. 

The net rental yield is 3,56% and the estimated net yield upon sale is 19,51%. 

The property will be sold in approximately 24 months. 

According to all the main reports published in 2016 and 2017, Madrid is among the top cities for investing in European real-estate at the moment. Be fast, become an owner of this perfectly located store and benefit from the rise of Spanish real-estate market. 

ANNIVERSARY PROMO: Earn more with Zurbano!

  • Invest between 1.500 and 4.999€ and earn a 4,56% estimated rental yield (3,56% +1%) until the end of 2017.
  • Invest between 5.000 and 9.999€ and earn a 5,56% estimated rental yield (3,56% +2%) until the end of 2017.
  • Invest 10.000€ or more and earn a 6,56% estimated rental yield (3,56% +3%) until the end of 2017.

It’s time to diversify your portfolio and get the most out of your money!

395 m2
0 Quartos
2 Casas de banho

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Madrid | 1 commercial property
Capital Financiado:
910.400 €
Objetivo financiamento:
910.400 €
24 meses
TIR objetivo:
9,62 %
TIR conseguida:
-3,13 %
Visível só para os investidores da oportunidade.