Housers Blockchain


FLEX CONTRACT  - New type of contract that has a duration of 12 months, that can be expanded up to 6 more months. For more information check out our blog.


Type of opportunity: Participative Loan1

Modality: Participative2  Flex Contract3

Profitability: (11% + 1%5)4 in 12 months

We introduce you Housers Blockchain, a new opportunity to finance the study, definition and technological development of a project that allows the investors of the Housers platform to benefit from the advantages of the blockchain technology through the use of Smart Contracts in the investment processes in the platform, the realization of investments through the use of crypto currencies and a study of the viability of investing in tokenized assets.

This project's developer is the Participatory Financing Platform itself, under the provisions of the Article 63.2 of Law 5/2015, 27th April of the Promotion of Business Financing.


- Housers is your participative financing platform with over 123,000 usersmore than 118 million euros of investment captured and more than 44 million euros returned;

- Housers has 5 years of experience. It is licensed and authorized by the CNMV in Spain and the CMVM in Portugal; 

- It will allow investment by institutional investors;

- By being the first to launch this type of product, Housers will be positioned with a great competitive advantage over other platforms operating in Europe;

- The scoring of this opportunity is B. For more information click here.


Housers was the first platform to offer greater security with mortgage guarantees and now wants to be the first to integrate all the advantages of the blockchain: 

- Smart Contracts: through implementation on Ethereum. To replace or coexist with the traditional model of the investment contract currently existing between investors and promoter. With the objective of increasing the precision, reliability and security of the contractual system used in Housers.  Facilitating in this way the provision of investors and promoters of the contract models necessary for the participation in the projects in a completely digital way.

- Investment with Cryptos: thanks to the connection with an external supplier that provides the exchange service to allow all those investors who currently have cryptos to use it to make investments in Housers projects. This means access to a market of 372.42B USD that will allow the platform to grow in investment while providing an exclusive and innovative service to its investors.

- Financing of tokenised assets: on the basis of the European proposal for a Regulation for a Crypto-Active Market ("MiCA Proposal"), study of the legal and technological framework that will allow the platform to publish projects to finance tokenised assets. The objective of this project is that when the tokenisation of assets is approved by the regulations, Housers can be one of the first platforms to launch products of this type.

Smart Contract: what are they and what are their advantages?

Traditional contracts are a written agreement signed by several parties for a purpose regulated by certain jurisdictions. The big difference with a smart contract is the concept of smart. These contracts are computer codes without the intervention of third parties for the execution and verification of compliance (Blockchain).

In this way, smart contracts execute the agreements established automatically when the previously established conditions and financial agreements are met, without the need for external agents to verify compliance.

The main benefits we can count on thanks to smart contracts are

- The commissions with the banks disappear, as there is no need for intermediaries such as banks or even notaries to certify compliance with a contract.

- Increase the precision, reliability and security when carrying out transactions by automating and encrypting the information.

- Transactions in real time, as they are carried out automatically instead of by individuals.

- Eliminates or decreases the possibility of fraud and theft of private customer information when paying by credit card or bank account

- No sensitive data is held, nor can it be used by another entity that does not have the storage of the banking credentials.


Investment with Cryptos/Exchange Market

A crypto currency exchange is the place where the actions of exchanging crypto currencies to traditional currencies are carried out. It is very similar to a traditional exchange house where you can exchange, for example, Euros for Dollars.

The main advantages of using an Exchange are:

- Speed by accelerating the exchange process, being carried out immediately without having to wait for heavy conversion processes and without having to resort to different intermediaries.

- Economic: the use of the appropriate Exchange allows for significant savings in conversion fees from cryptom currencies to conventional ones.


Financing of Tokenised Assets

What is a tokenized asset

Tokenisation is the representation of a right in a distributed register (blockchain) that is private for legal purposes and public or semi-public for technological purposes, with this representation being expressed in unitary accounting entries called tokens.

These tokens are always linked to a specific account (wallet ) which allows the holder to either hold or transfer the tokens.

The tokens are therefore essentially transferable and their legitimate owner is the owner of the wallet that holds and controls them.

In theory, practically any property can be tokenised: movable and immovable things, physical or legal, fungible or non-fungible things, things in the public domain and in private property, present and future things, and things that are divisible and indivisible.


The financing through Housers of these projects on tokenised assets will be based on the proposal for a Regulation for a Market in Crypto-Actives ("MiCA Proposal") and depending on the regulation applicable to participatory financing platforms based on the legislation in force in each country and the new European legislation on crowdfunding that will enter into force in 2021.

The investment opportunities will each have a Smart Contract in which the relationship between each of the investors and the promoter will be kept.


The project developer is Housers Global Properties PFP SL, the leading participatory financing platform in Southern Europe. After launching Housers in 2015, focused on Real Estate, and Housers Green in 2019, dedicated to projects of renewable energies, the company is expanding its activity with a third business pillar, in order to offer new investment alternatives to its investors and facilitate access to credit for the development of business projects.

Housers continues to expand the range of investment in projects for its platform users, which already exceed the number of 123,000, with more than 118 millions captured and more than 48 millions returned.



Risk information: Housers is neither a credit institution nor an investment services firm. Investment in projects published by HOUSERS is not covered by any investment fund. This project has not been supervised by the CNMV nor by the Bank of Spain or any other regulator, Spanish or foreign. The information provided by the developer has not been checked by the CNMV nor does it constitute a prospectus approved by the CNMV. Housers does not provide financial advice that nothing on this website should be construed as such. The investment in this project involves the following risks: risk of total or partial loss of invested capital, the risk of not obtaining the expected monetary return and the risk of illiquidity for recover the investment. The developer Housers Global Properties PFP S.L. accumulates 55 projects on the platform, 23 of them already completed. This could entail an additional concentration risk. The investor should be aware that Housers Global Properties PFP, S.L. may apply in the future for further loans on the platform to obtain funding for other projects, within the legal limits and subject to its financial situation. Therefore, the leverage ratio of the company could be higher in the future. Housers Global Properties PFP, S.L. is liable to the investors for the information it has provided to the crowdfunding platform. Housers Global Properties PFP, S.L has a share capital at 31/12/2018 of 4,284.55 euros and an issue premium of 2,892,801.24 euros, the Equity at 31/12/2018 of 288,925.86 euros, these financial details have been audited. Both the financing objective and the maximum term for investment on this opportunity may be extended by an additional 25% to the initially envisaged period, according to the Law for the Promotion of Business Financing. Likewise, HOUSERS may consider the financing of this opportunity/project as concluded when it has been financed by 90 %. These possibilities that the legislation offers to the platform, will be used when the typology and characteristics of the project are advisable, so it can be implemented with a lower or higher amount of funding than requested and the deadlines for implementation are not affected.  For further information, click here.

1) Intermediary financing instrument between the capital (equity participation) and the long-term loan. Participative loans are loans (that is, the project developer is obliged to return the financing received) whose characteristic is that the interest received by the person who lends the money depends on the benefits obtained by the person who receives the loan.

2) Participative Development Loan: 12-month loan to the real estate developer where interest is distributed monthly and the principal is amortized at the end of the project. The interest is not guaranteed.

3) Flex Contract: The Promoting Company may activate an extension of a single duration of 6 months to the expiration date of the contract, communicating it to Housers at least one month in advance. This extension will be accompanied by an increase on the interest rate agreed on the return of capital, resulting in this project, an annual interest of 12% during the extension. This information is found in more detail in Article 3.3.1 of the Loan Agreement.

4) It is the total return on investment. It takes into account the total term of 12 months and the annual interest agreed by the promoter. For more details see the Promoter's Report. 

5) If the gross profit of the company on the 31st December of each financial year ("Financial Year End") which corresponds to the payment of variable interest is equal to or greater than 1,000,000 euros, the variable interest will be accrued in favour of the investors at the annual nominal rate established in the documents of Accession and in Annex I".

In Spain, Housers is a crowdfundig platform registered next to CNMV (Spanish Regulator) with register number 20. Housers is a platform that facilitates access to loans related to real estate transactions promoted by third-party companies, previously analyzed and validated. Housers does not offer financial advice and none of the proposed activities should be considered as such. The analyzes shown in these pages are general information and do not in any way constitute specific advice. The projects illustrated are not subject to the supervision of any national or international financial authority or regulator. The transactions presented are forecasts only and as such, they may be subject to change. Investing through Housers involves risks, including illiquidity, loss of investment, and it should only be done as part of a diversified portfolio. Your capital is at risk.

Funded capital:
150,000.00 €
Financing goal:
150,000.00 €
12 months
Participative loan (Flex)
Estimated IRR:
11.00 %
Final IRR:
11.27 %
Visible only to investors in the opportunity.
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