How does it work?

Housers - Sign up for free

Sign up for free

Just create your Housers account by entering your basic details.
It is completely free and only takes a few seconds!

Sign up

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Housers - Activate your Housers account

Activate your Housers account

Send the documentation proving your identity and your bank account details.
We will check that everything is correct and activate your Housers account.

Activate your account

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Housers - Transfer funds to your Housers account

Transfer funds to your Housers account

Make a bank transfer following the instructions you will find in your private investor area.
It is quite simple and in 24/48 hours your money will be available in your Housers account.
Simple and free.

Deposit funds

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Housers - Invest in projects

Invest in projects

Select the projects you like best.
Each project includes a complete dossier of information so that you can analyse each one in depth.
If you prefer to invest by credit card when you select the project you want to invest in, you can use your credit card to invest in the project.

Select a project

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Housers - Payments and refunds

Payments and refunds

The developers of the projects in which you have invested will pay you interest in contractually agreed periods.
In addition, at maturity, the developer must repay the borrowed capital.

Latest returned projects

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Housers - Manage your investments

Manage your investments

In your personal area, you will be able to follow the evolution of your investments through a complete dashboard, receive project updates, and platform notifications and manage your Housers account.

Access your personal area


General questions

  • What is crowdfunding?
  • What is Housers?
  • What do we do?
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Investment opportunities

  • What kind of opportunities are presented on the platform
  • What is the investor's responsibility when investing in these projects?
  • What is a title or fractional loan?
See more...

I want to be an investor

  • Why is it necessary for the investor to register in Housers?
  • Who can be an investor?
  • Does it cost anything to register in Housers?
See more...
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